Living Harmoniously in Racially Diverse Singapore

Singapore is a country of many races and religions. To teach students about the importance of maintaining racial and religious harmony in Singapore, the Ministry of Education introduced Racial Harmony Day in schools in 1997¹. In this month’s Quick Polls, let’s look at how Singaporeans feel about racial harmony.


Almost 9 in 10 (88%) of those we polled are in favour of celebrating Racial Harmony Day at the workplace. This is heartening, as it shows a willingness to embrace our racial diversity at work, where many Singaporeans spend most of their waking hours. Going beyond communications with colleagues, how willing are Singaporeans to engage in closer interactions with people of other races?

Do you have friends of other races?

Yes, I do
No, unfortunately I do not

An overwhelming 94% have friends of other races, a healthy sign that Singaporeans are comfortable mixing and bonding in a racially diverse society. Let’s continue to maintain this harmony, so that everyone, regardless of race or creed, will always feel welcome on our little red dot 😊.

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