The COVID pandemic had a profound impact on people and communities around the world, and Singapore was no exception. For more than a year, life in Singapore had been marked by restrictions and disruptions, as the government implemented measures to curb the spread of the virus. But as vaccines are rolled out and the number of cases begins to decline, many may had pondered what life will be like after the pandemic. Let’s find out how the pandemic had affected HappyDotters.

While almost half of the respondents felt neutral about how the pandemic had affected their lives, more than 30% of the respondents felt that their lives had been affected very or somewhat negatively. This group of HappyDotters indicated that their mental and physical health worsened, work opportunities/income were decreased, and some highlighted less work-life balance. The findings show that the pandemic had a complex and varied impact on people’s lives, and it’s important to continue to support and care for one another as we move forward. Let’s learn which precautions HappyDotters still follow most of the time.

As we press on to live with Covid as part of our lives, many people are continuing to take precautions to protect themselves and others from illness. Of the respondents, 73.1% reported that they continue to regularly wash/sanitize their hands, 64.5% said they wear masks in places where it is not compulsory, and 63.6% said they avoid crowds as much as possible. This is a positive development, as it shows that people Are being more socially responsible and are trying to protect themselves and their communities.
The shift towards remote work was also one of the key changes and do you think it is likely to persist in the post-pandemic world?

Of the respondents, 31.6% reported that they work from home, 35.3% said that their work cannot be done at home and therefore they do not work from home, and 15.7% said that they work from home most of the time. Some aspects of life will return to normal; others will be permanently altered by the events of the past two years. Hence it is important to adapt and evolve to build a better, more resilient population, while also taking care of our own mental and physical well-being.